If you know me, you know that reference. If you don't know me, you now know I don't speak Spanish. Or at least not good Spanish. Which actually, if you know me, you probably know that as well.
Anyway, for those that don't know me (or those who do but somehow have managed to never hear the tale of el piscato la gusta - which is just really strange...are you sure you know me?) the story is simple. The first year we were married, Tim was taking Spanish at the community college (because it was easier than the Spanish class at the college we attended and the credits transferred completely and, well, he's a language slacker that way) and, as anyone who has ever taken another language class probably knows, lots of the time the tests have an oral portion. Well, in this particular class, that portion was done at the language lab on tape and you had a week to do it. So, I dropped him off to take the test, went back home to continue my homework, and picked him up when he had finished. The following conversation ensued:
Me: How'd the test go?
Tim: Ok I guess, except this one question.
Me: What was wrong with it?
Tim: Well it was this part where you listen to a phrase and you have to write a response to it.
Me: Yeah?
Tim: And I listened, and rewound and listened, and rewound and all I could ever make out was blahblahblahblahblahblah el piscato.
Me: *snicker* So what'd you do?
Tim: I put down "el piscato la gusta."
Me: What's that mean?
Tim: The fish likes it.
So a few weeks later, he gets his exam back - and he got credit for that! Thus, 'el piscato la gusta' came to be the phrase to use whenever you don't understand something but need to make a response.
Fast forward to today at work. I have been in so many meetings today, my eyes are about to glaze over (if they haven't already). And most of them are "requirement gathering" meetings - which sounds like a good thing, but they haven't really defined/explained what we're trying to accomplish - we're just setting up requirements for the solution. So there are many conversations like this:
Xguy: We should transmit the converter through the hyper-warp giggleblaster.
Yguy: Oh no, use the purple tickletingler instead, the giggleblaster won't do that.
Xguy: But when xirphonies are combultalating then the tickeltingler has gooshbam issues.
Yguy: Ahh, true, true. Then what if we...
This continues for 30 or 40 minutes, culminating with:
Xguy: Great. That makes good sense. So, Beth, how long do you think it would take you to implement that?
Me: Um...el piscato la gusta!
18 hours ago
La Reina la gusta!
ReplyDeleteOk, my sorry attempt at being funny. I love that! I'll have to steal that from you from time to time. :P
Steal away :) We have fun with it.