
Mea Culpa...and Ow!

Ok, I will first give multitudinous apologies to all Spanish people everywhere - especially if you were offended - for misspelling fish. I have been corrected (by Tim, no less) that piscato is, in actuality, spelled pescado.

I did mention I don't actually know Spanish, right?

On the ow front. May I just say that stripping wallpaper, de-gluing the walls, and then priming and painting is a pain. Literally. Especially when you do it all in one day. But, on the other hand, I will also say that my mom now has a kickin' kitchen. And that's a good thing (with apologies to Martha). Because what she used to have was wallpaper that was out of date in 1980 when it was first put up. Bleh.

Dad is valiantly trying to pretend he likes that interior paint color changes I have helped mom make in the last couple of weeks. He's an "antique white" kind of guy - no need for color. I, on the other hand, have literally every color except orange represented on my first floor. (Red living room, yellow kitchen, green accent wall in the den, blue dining room, awesome dark purple powder room...mmmm....puuuurple. (Guess which color is my favorite?)) Mom's color scheme is still very sedate, but oh so pretty. She's got a cream living room and a dark taupe hall/stairwell, the dining room is the cream and dark taupe combined (dark below the chair rail, cream above -- looks awfully sharp), and now a blue kitchen with the cream in the breakfast nook and hall. Hang in there, dad. You'll get used to it!

Beyond that, we went to the eye doctor today and my eyes are doing their weird thing where they try to convince the dr. that I really need less of a prescription. This happens every three years or so. It's just odd. But whatever. I'm not changing glasses - I still have my old ones, I can always switch back if I feel like I need to. :)


  1. I KNEW you were a go'auld! The snake in your head is TRYING to heal your eyesight and you're counteracting its effects by continuing to wear your current prescription, which induce eyestrain.

    Trust me, you'll have fewer migraines if you stop fighting it.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I am getting better at painting colors, but I still never know what the overall effect will be until it's on the wall. I went for a soft green for the nursery and ended up with Crest toothpaste. Ugh. Now it's a soft yellow that makes me smile every time I go in. I'm going to change my son's room at some point. Right now it's Grover blue. :p

  3. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I Just finished re-doing my girls' room. Strip the wallpaper, spackle holes, mask, paint. I am so glad to be done! Now my Husband wants to do our son's room and I think I need a break! I hate to paint!
