
Weather (or not)

It's a coolish, rainy day today. Perfect for snuggling in bed with a book (or on the couch with a poncho liner and a book, or by the fireplace with a book ...you get the idea, somewhere warm with a book!) Not so perfect for being in the office, where you're forced to turn on your soul-sucking (i.e. flourescent) lights rather than relying on the sun shining in your window.

The point? My toes are cold. In fact, my toes are so cold they have goosebumps on them. Toes should not get goosebumps.

Why are my toes cold? Because I wore open toed sandals to work today thinking it was going to be pretty like it was all weekend.

Why did I think that? Because Tim hasn't gotten around to modifying our alarm clock to display the weather forcast yet. (Notice that it's not because I forgot the check the forecast prior to going to bed last night. Nope. Not my fault. Uh-uh. :) )

So...sweetie? If you're reading this...my toes are cold. Could you bump that whole forecast thing a little higher on your to-do list? Please?


  1. So that's a ROKU...cool! And it gives you weather forcasting too? Oooh. Maybe I "need" one of those.

    Are you also wearing capris pants with zebra print trim, like in the picture? ;-)

  2. Um...no. :) I chose that outfit cause it looked comfortable (vs. skanky) and I'm all about comfortable. But my capris don't have zebra trim. :)

    You have to do a little programming to get it to do the weather stuff. Out of the box it is just a really cool MP3 streamer. With tinkering it becomes an alarmclock with weather forecasting. Though I believe they're updating it to make it less geek-intensive. :)

  3. Hmmm...ok, let me think.

    -I love orange soda
    -Chrome is pretty
    -I'm a fliberdygibbit
    -AHHH...the flourescent light comment :) I need a Hula Girl lamp (actually, do they make Hula Guy lamps? That would be more my speed...unless Hula Guys wear the bikini tops too, in which case that would just be odd.)
    -Maybe it's a brain cloud. It's not a brain cloud.

    Hmmm...Joe vs. the Kindergarten Cop has potential.

  4. (In case you didn't figure this - I love Joe vs. the Volcano as well. What a classic.)

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Because of the unpredictability of the weather in the recent few weeks, I now never leave home in the morning without checking weather.com first. It's very helpful to decide whether or not to leave the light jacket home or add another layer of clothing!
