
Need more low hanging fruit

So...all the low hanging fruit of this project have been tackled. Now we're left with the tile that is actually affixed to the floor - and the slowly dawning realization that more than likely we're going to have to replace some of the subfloor as well because there's a lot of what looks like dry rot. Joy.

And when I say we? I pretty much at this point mean I. See, my sister was going to help. But then we ran into a slight issue with toilet removal. So we conscripted her hubs in exchange for her doing what he was doing. So she's now tied up with that. Brother-in-law, however, has now joined daddy and Tim who just arrived and are doing something manly with tools in the basement. (Not sure why theirs is more manly than tile removal though - maybe it's just because they're men at this point. Not that they're not men at any other point, mind you. It's that the job is manly because they're men. Or something like that.)

Yeah, back to the tiles I go. Cause it's fun. And I volunteered. (Proof positive right there that I am not all here.)

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