So many things upon which I've thought to write a post this week. And yet, none of them have made it here.
Various reasons:
1 - I'm not sure who actually comes here (haha - no one, I realize that) but there USED to be family members who I'd told about this place and, well, I don't need to vent about certain things where they're going to read it and want to talk to me about it. If I wanted to talk about it with a person, I would do so. If I wanted to blow off steam so random strangers would commiserate, I would blog.
2 - Time. I've had some thoughts about politics and the general state of what is and honestly, to do those thoughts justice I would need considerably more time to get them out in a cogent manner than what I usually find myself having. (I have the app. But it's just such a pain the booty to do THAT MUCH typing on a phone. I mean, I guess if I didn't care about spelling and grammar and the odd word that my phone *thinks* I meant instead of what I wanted to write, I could do that. But let's be real.)
3 - Does it really matter? (Answer: nope. Not in the slightest.)
There are probably more, but that's good enough for now.
Anyway - today promises to be a laid back morning followed by an overscheduled afternoon/evening. My sister (one of the topics of "need to vent but probably shouldn't") needs me to help her unpack at her new place. I'm glad she's unpacking (she moved in early January) but.
Hubby scheduled a date night and had already lined up a sitter before I mentioned the thing with my sister. For more of those various reasons, it seemed better to try and work both in rather than ducking out of one.
There is also mulch to buy and spread and a dog that needs grooming.
So I guess we'll see how much actually gets done.
2 days ago
I feel your pain.
ReplyDeleteMiddle Gel reads my blog regularly, so I have to be very careful about my domestic posting.
Also, I work in the heart of the Swamp (in it but not of it), so even though I blog anonymously, I still have to figure that Bob from NSA is taking copious notes. And I still need my paycheck....
So that leaves me, shall we say, less elbow room to vent.
Blast this Blogsplat comment thingy, that was me...