This weekend was the camping trip for the boys' Trail Life troop and the sister American Heritage Girls troop. The boys have been looking forward to this since the troop kicked off their new year. Hubs has been looking forward to it as well.
I was not super looking forward to it.
But the boys really wanted mom along, so fine. Yes, I'll go.
Friday, hubby stayed home from work because he wasn't feeling super well. I told the boys, maybe we'd just go on Saturday rather than Friday night.
Great sadness and wringing of hands.
Okay. Maybe mom can try taking you by herself. (Queue the internal crying, because no. Just no. I do not like camping to begin with, but without hubby? Yikes. I have no idea how to raise our tent.) Many deep breaths and I'm guessing I can probably make it work.
And hubby has pity on me and decides no, he can probably come.
We pile in the car, drop the puppy at my dad's and head down to the nearby Izak Walton League where said campout is being held.
Friday night goes well enough, although I didn't sleep more than 45 minutes at a go because it wasn't comfortable and it was freezing (because I let hubby talk me out of the big sleeping bag - he says "Oh, you'll be hot. Just take a poncho liner, that's what I'm doing." Liar. Big. Fat. Liar.)
Saturday started out well enough. But then the deluge.
There had been nothing anywhere about possible rain, but there was an utter downpour for about 40 minutes just before lunch. Everything got soaked. We got soaked. It was...miserable.
And then it got hot. Which given the rain also meant steamy. And we were hiking.
I might have whined.
There was another, briefer, downpour in the evening at dinner. And hubby, who was growing steadily more ill, said, "I think we need to go."
So we packed up and headed home, missing out on a second miserable night of no sleep.
Well, I wouldn't say I missed it, Bob.**
Anyway, the boys still had fun. We all get points for having gone. And hubby seems to be on the mend after a day of lazing about at home. Now if we can all avoid getting it (most especially me as I'm to have surgery Friday and I don't think they'll do it if I'm sick.)
**spot the quote
2 days ago
That sounds like a line out of one of the Newhart shows (George Utley, the handyman?), but I may just be showing my age.
ReplyDeleteNow you say it, it does sound like it could be, but no, it's from the movie Office Space, which is a favorite around these parts (perhaps the more common quote is "Did you get the memo?" But the "I wouldn't say I missed it, Bob" does also come up a lot.)
ReplyDeleteAh! I've only seen bits and pieces of Office Space and really need to sit down and watch it all the way through. I believe it's one of those eminently quotable movies like Dodge Ball. I only know Ron Livingston from Band of Brothers.
ReplyDeleteOh, that was me again....