Mom passed a year ago today. Right about now, in fact.
I miss her.
It's like a constant, subtle ache that just won't ease.
I'm told it will in time.
My sister is on her way to the hospital today for a CT guided biopsy of her lymph nodes - there are two groups that showed some sort of issue on a previous CT toward the start of the month, kicked off by a routine check of her CA125.
CA125 is the blood test they use to check for things like ovarian cancer.
You know, the sort that took mom.
It could be something else. There are several different cancers that trigger whatever it is that CA125 checks for.
But there's nothing that isn't cancer.
And a second running of her bloodwork had the positive result higher even than the first go.
Sometimes it feels like life comes at you from every possible angle of attack.
2 days ago
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