
Christmas Greetings

Tests all around say negative, so that means we're a go for Christmas gathering after all. I'm glad, as Sister did manage to make the trek out. And really, everything these days seems to be counted in terms of potential lasts.

Everything is ready. Well, everything but my Christmas spirit, which seems to have scarpered off to points unknown.

Still, the presents are wrapped. The tenderloin is purchased (though there was a moment of gak associated with the cost thereof. Sheesh. I knew beef was going up, but it's a lot more obvious in a good cut than in the usual ground chuck I bring home.) So, the Christmas meal is ready. We'll also do our traditional Christmas Eve waffles and vanilla sauce. 

There are entirely too many presents under the tree, but that will make for happy children. And I do enjoy watching them enjoy themselves. The Sleepy Pup will also be in heaven with boxes and paper to attack.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas.

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