
Random Thoughts About the Weekend

  • Spent Friday night trying to motivate myself to do homework, instead got caught up on various and sundry DVRd things (CSI, CSI: Miami, and so forth). My only thought on CSI (Las Vegas) was wow, look how far down Danny Bonaducci has gone to be playing a corpse. Um, isn't that usually a job for extras? Then again, I imagine there was a good bit of neck strain involved in laying that way for the shoot.
  • Mom and dad spent the night Friday as they were down in my neck of the woods for The Truth Project training. They said it was a good seminar and are looking forward to having opportunities to use it at their church.
  • Saturday morning I made waffles for dad before they left for their conference then did homework - got about half of one of my formal book reviews written and spent way too long agonizing about the finer points of what the instructor meant when they said "Strict APA" in one place in the syllabus and in three other places said to use the dissertation guide for all paper formatting (marginally different from APA, but just enough that if she's really going to ding for format it would make a difference.) Finally sent a note, haven't heard back.
  • Saturday afternoon I went to my sister's and finished the tiling by putting in the baseboard molding and the marble threshold. Need to go back and grout but otherwise it's finished. Pictures to come once the new toilet and vanity are in place.
  • It was my brother-in-law's birthday so the whole family (sans Tim who was out of town on business) went to a new little hole-in-the-wall Mexican place. Tasty if way too much food.
  • Yesterday after church I did more homework, watched a little tv, did some other little chores that always seem to fall between the cracks, including edging the next baby blanket (kiddo is due this month) so now I'm all set for that.

In all, a pretty laidback if productive weekend (can it be both?) But I will just state this for the record, as I have before and I'm sure will again, I don't sleep well when Tim's not home.


  1. Your productivity in conjunction with "laying back" always amazes me. You must work very quickly to get so much done! Good job!

  2. It sounds much more impressive than it really is, but thanks. :) Though I do tend to be able to crank out papers pretty well so that definitely works in my favor - poor Tim struggles with papers quite a lot (I try to help when I can). Sometimes though working quickly is not a good thing. Trust me. :)

  3. Glad it was productive and laid back - A great combination indeed!
