
A Little Friday Random

  • This past week was VBS. Last year and this, I have stepped back from serving because youngest struggles. It's quite a bit overwhelming for him and *can* result in him needing to take some time to reset away from everything, which I can't get for him if I am teaching class after class. While I'll admit to a small amount of guilt for not helping out (because I was raised that if you put your kids in something at church, your durn well better be there assisting!), I also wrote more this week than I've managed for quite a while. Because free time.
  • I'm pleased to also note that youngest did AMAZINGLY WELL this week. I ascribe most of his success to the fact that the woman in charge of his age group has boys of her own and gets that sometimes they just need to walk around. This doesn't mean they aren't paying attention. It just means they have ants in their pants.
  • This year was also eldest's last bout through VBS as a participant because he goes to middle school now. I am trying to wrap my head around that (and it's hampered somewhat by the fact that where I did MS, it was 7th and 8th only. Here it's 6/7/8 so we're a year earlier than my brain thinks we ought to be.) And yet, there we have it. He's off to youth group when the school year starts up.
  • Speaking of the school year, I got my notice of intent (to homeschool) filed toward the start of July. I've yet to get my "official" notice back that I'm good to go, but they're always late with such things and I don't really let it bother me. I know I've checked the block and that's all that matters. I did find it fascinating that, in the helpful little section on our county's website, they're asking for vaccination records. Yeah, the state doesn't require that for homeschool. I did not include it. I give exactly what's required by law and not a jot or tittle more. I fully anticipate that if they try to enforce it, we'll be seeing some news items about said, because (God bless them), the HSLDA takes it very seriously when people try to make homeschoolers do more than the law actually demands.
  • Which is not to say I am anti vaccination. I am not. Both boys are fully up to date on their shots and will stay that way (though we did opt out of Gardasil because I just don't see the need for that. Like ever. But if, when he's 18, he wants to make an informed decision to get it, then he's welcome to do so.) As far as I'm concerned, yes, you need to vaccinate your kids unless you have a seriously medically fragile child.
  • Finishing up VBS means we are a hop, skip, and jump away from Awana kicking off, so I'm starting to ramp up the wheels in preparation for that. Whee. Or something.
  • I think we'll probably start working a subject or two into the daily grind here soon as well. Because we aren't hampered by official calendars and we're all kind of at loose ends and ready to get our brains back to something a little more rigorous.


  1. My Eldest has been volunteering for VBS on the hospitality side for some years now. This year she was in charge of the whole shebang. For some reason she loves to be Queen of the Parish Kitchen.

  2. Wow - good on her! That's a lot of work. And hey, being Queen is never wrong.
