A former blog friend now Faceplant friend posted this article today.
Basically, it's a plot to try and make the school day even longer as an assist to parents who work full time and want to have free, government provided childcare under the guise of school. Which just means even more time for indoctrinating.
What those poor kids -- especially the younger boys -- need is LESS school. More moving. More flexibility. More time outside.
Study after study after study talks about how we should have less of a focus on academics as early as we do. How we need to let kids (again -- especially boys!) mature at their own pace. Etc. etc. etc.
I'm so grateful we homeschool. Even as frustrating as it is right now as we're trying to navigate the special needs littlest has, I know he's better off with me. Where he gets one on one attention. Where we can take breaks. Where we can scaffold where he needs scaffolding.
I know -- I really do believe -- that the public schools would TRY to give him the help he needs. But how do they do that when he's 1 of 30? How do they do that when he's what they'd label disruptive when he gets spun up? He'd be disciplined and separated rather than helped to calm and refocus. Because TIME.
I get it.
And I get that we're blessed to have options.
But adding to the school day isn't the option. If the government wants to help out working parents, then they need to have better, more affordable (or free) after school programs. Programs that are not school and lets kids be kids.
Of course, I'm also wary and concerned with our state going ahead and turning completely blue in this latest election. Democrats don't have a lot of respect for a parent's right to choose education -- at least not in my experience. So I'm going to be keeping a close eye. Because the last thing MY kids need is to be stuffed in an already overfull classroom and told to be still.
2 days ago
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