
There Ought to be Something to Say

I have various wandering thoughts here and there throughout the day. Sometimes I flesh them out in my head and think, "Yes, that would be a fantastic blog post." Then by the time I get to my laptop from whence I blog I think, "Meh."

So in no particular order, things that could have been blog posts but aren't going to be for various reasons of laziness.

  • The whole Beth Moore Go Home debacle -- honestly, I think the thing that should have been addressed (and should still be being addressed) is why anyone would think it was a good plan to use another person as a word association exercise. That's never, NEVER going to end well. It's like the dumb idea of slam books in the mid80s, when middle school girls found yet more ways to simply be cruel to one another. Of course, should one ever be asked to say two words in free association and thereafter be given the name of someone as the seed, might I humbly suggest that, regardless of whether you love or loathe or something in between said person, you simply say Imago Dei. Because that's where it all begins and ends -- every human being on this planet, believer and non-believer alike, is made in God's image. And they are deserving of love and respect based solely on that. 
  • More to the point, I really think Christians should stop showing their rears in public. Yes, it's grand to have theological debates and look at the finer points in the context of the broader community of the Church. We don't need to be doing this out in the public eye. To the world at large, our general front ought to simply be, "Hey, Christ died for you. Would you like to know more?" 
  • Eldest boy is doing lots of sentence diagramming in English this year. I am 99% certain I was never taught to diagram sentences. It's interesting. Semi-fun. But there are some here and there that I look at when he asks a question and have to say, "You know what, let's skip that one, because I haven't a foggy."
  • I may break down and buy the teacher manual.
  • I'm off to Vegas for a conference next week. I think hubby and the boys will have a jolly time together and we're doing extra school this week so they can be off and just have dad time while I'm away. But honestly, I'm a little jealous of their vacation and kind of wish I could stay home and hang. (Of course then he'd go to work or focus on stuff that needs to be done around here. That's hour our staycations always turn out. But still. I would really like a family vacation sometime sooner than later.)

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