


Spent yesterday at the hospital with my sister as they did a biopsy on some lymph nodes in/near her neck. We won't have results on that until later this week or early next, but she did get the bloodwork results from last week and I'm basically at the laugh hysterically or sob uncontrollably stage of things.

Her CA125 is 20% HIGHER than it was in October. You know, back when they realized she had stage 3c cancer.

Her lymphocytes are low.

Basically her body is a soup sandwich and while we can wait for those biopsy results, it's pretty clear what they're going to say.

Metastatic is a crap word.

So now I guess we wait to see what the doctors say (fun fact: the next available appointment is 9/25. I guess cancer doctors have people dying to get in.) (yes, I know, I'll be here all week.)

Laugh or cry, baby. Laugh. Or. Cry.

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