
Happy New Year!

 Whelp, 2021.


I smirk every time I see the meme reminding us that Mad Max took place in 2021. I suspect it's closer to what we have on offer than whatever magic utopia the optimists are saying will come.

For me? No real resolutions, just a continuation of the things I'm doing right and a plan to fix the ones I'm messing up.

Maybe it counts as a resolution, but I am heading back to keto land, it's the only way my body will shed weight and I do feel better when not eating carbs. Well, other than the brief endorphin rush of the immediate consumption. Because all comfort foods are carb laden. Regardless, I'd like to be a mom who can do things with her kids and to stick around for any potential daugheters in law and grandchildren that the future might hold.

Not that we're guaranteed any of that. I get that. But I can do my part at least.

Anyway, we'll see what we see, shall we?

Eldest will be 13 on Monday. Still grappling with that. Because a teenager seems awfully old. But he's taller than me, so I guess there's that.


  1. And a happy New Year (and continued Merry Christmas) to you and yours!

    Congrats on your First Teen, too. Kinda. Sorta. It does get better later on......

  2. I'm going to hold you to that.
