Everyone appears to be spending bucoup quantities of time over on Faceplant sharing memories from a year ago when it was going to be "two weeks to flatten the curve."
Longest two weeks ever.
I have other friends who are on the rampage of "rights are not given to you by the government" -- a sentiment with which I agree, but really also feel like we lost that battle long before a year ago.
Still. This whole thing is just.... * waves hands in the air *
I wish I could say that "returning to normal" was ever going to be a thing, but I simply don't believe it. Even now they're starting with the "Oh, well even if you've had the vaccine you shouldn't..."
And no. Just no.
What is it going to take for the bovine masses to realize that they need to wake up?!
I'd like to get everyone in politics currently removed and we can start over. I'd like to do the same thing in the media. Because the two are in cahoots.
I go back to being over it all and wishing that people would decide that they were capable of thinking for themselves and then get on with doing it.
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