
No, it's too much. Let me sum up.*

So where were we?

Oh yes.

Sister is home from the hospital (has been a little over a week now - youngest and I went and collected her last Wednesday.) She's doing IV antibiotics (using her port - so I guess that's a bonus from having cancer? Looking for those silver linings) at home and is feeling fairly well.

The CT scan follow up for her clinical trial suggests that there may be some positive progress -- not what any of us were expecting -- so she went ahead and did the third treatment on Tuesday of this week. Now I guess we wait and see if she gets sick again on Friday (as that's what happened with each of the previous two treatments.) Perhaps being on the antibiotics at home will help forestall that? Who's to know?

She's still planning to move to California.

(I think I mentioned that's her plan? I can't remember and am too lazy to look. I'm not onboard with it, but whatever, she's a grownup. There's not much anyone can say to get her to change her mind. And I'm not sure we even should try.)

If all goes to plan (ha) I'll be driving her out later this month or early next and then flying back home. There's part of me that thinks it might be fun to take the train home instead -- everyone raves about the route that goes along the northern border of the US and it'd be a bit of a vacation/writing time for me. But I'm not sure hubby has the ability to take that much time off (or even to work from home that much, as his office is officially back to "business as usual" which means come in barring extenuating circumstances, and they're at a critical stage on one project that he's in charge of. So likely I'll fly. Which is fine. I like to fly.)

I finally managed to order the homeschool curriculum for this coming year. Normally I do this much earlier (March? April?) But this year it has all just been too much. There have been occasions when looking at the catalog has caused tears. I might be a wee bit overwhelmed. But now it's done and I can tick that item off my to-do list.

Next weekend is the big 50th Anniversary party and I'm so looking forward to being on the other side of that. I think it'll be a HUGE relief to have done. Hopefully people will enjoy themselves. And behave. But who even knows? 

Beyond that, eldest brought a bit of a cold home with him from camp and I managed to catch it. It flattened me yesterday, but I'm doing much better today. Hopeful that by tomorrow all will once more right with the world. I'm not sure why summer colds are so much worse than the winter ones, but there you have it. I'm pleased to see my immune system still has an idea of how to handle a germ though, given the isolation and over-hand-sanitizing that's been happening for the better part of the last 18 months.

*spot the quote, but it really is a gimme

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