
A Moment of Peevishness

(I can hear you saying, "A moment?" And yes haha. But these are two specifically annoying instances that I can really only grumble about here. Lucky you.)

Item the first: Several years ago one of our best friendships imploded. Hubby and I, being grownups and thinking it was the way to be mature about things, just kept it to ourselves and went on about life without beating the drum about how horrible it was or how wronged we were etc. We were under the impression that our former friends had also done the same.


On Sunday, talking to a set of friends who had left and were now returning to our church, she of the couple says, "Of course, I heard all about it." And like...wow. I guess it's good to get your side out there to make sure you can vilify whoever you want?

I mean whatever, but I expected more. I expected better. And yet at the same time? I guess I shouldn't be surprised given how the whole mess was handled in the first place.

It's just disappointing and disheartening all over again.

Item the second: There is an author who used to live in the area and, as such, she used to have a Christmas part for local peeps. She thinks she's kind of a big deal, being a fairly solid mid-list trad pubbed author, and I will never forget one of the other attendees mentioning how they liked her romance. And she drew herself up and in scathing tones said, "I do NOT write romance. I write military thrillers." And then she went on to describe how her publisher had labeled a book Romance and thus the bookstore had shelved it in romance and she called her agent and he'd called the publisher and made them fix it in the computer system so bookstores wouldn't shelve it wrong. Because romance was just this pedestrian pap that she couldn't be associated with.

Her next book coming out this fall? Looks like a cowboy romance.

Because I guess she might be allergic to the word, but she'll try to cash in.

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