This year, eldest has entered high school.
I won't lie and say I wasn't nervous about homeschooling high school. Could I have done it? Yes. I think so. Would I feel like I was setting him with the academic rigor he needs? Eh. Maybe?
But I still wasn't sending him to the cesspit of a public school that's around us.
Enter an online academy. Bonus, it's one that has an actual, good college associated with it, so he can dual enroll in 11th and 12th and end with an Associate's.
He started this week.
And oh boy, has it been eye opening for him. Because there's no weaseling out of anything here with protestations that he understands it (which, to be fair, he usually does). But no, since I'm not the one in charge of grades, he has to dot every i and cross every t.
It is taking him MUCH longer each day than he (or I) imagined it would.
Honestly, I'm hoping it gets a little faster as we go, because right now we're teetering on drudgery in terms of the length of his homeschool day. I do think it will speed up as he gets used to it.
But still.
I remind him it's still faster than a day at public. And he can take as many breaks as he wants/needs.
So there's that.
Part of me is super happy to see that it is, in fact, as rigorous as I hoped. Part of me feels a little bad to have just thrown him in the deep end.
I'll get over that last one.