
Mother's Day Shenanigans

We had a quiet and mostly laidback Mother's Day this year. Honestly, if I'm allowed to say there are "benefits" to Mom having died (it feels icky to say even that much, but whatever) - the Mother's Day / Mom's birthday madness going away is lovely.

Because Mom's birthday often fell ON Mother's Day. And she would insist on two separate celebrations. And it was always just...a lot. Once I, too, was a mother (and incidentally also had a mother-in-law) things were even more fraught. Because she wasn't sharing. 

It was a whole thing.

I don't miss it.

Last year, my own Mother's Day was horrific. Everyone was in a horrible mood. Mostly I got forgotten, but that was better than the rampant misbehavior that I had to deal with otherwise. So this year, when hubby asked what I wanted, I said, "Not a repeat of last year."

He laughed.

Sort of.

Anyway, it was a lovely day. We went to church. To our usual Tex-Mex lunch with my dad. Then I loafed on the couch a bit and read. The boys made supper (fondue! Well done, at that.) and we watched John Wick 3, so that eldest is caught up and we can stream 4 sometime soon.

Honestly, it was a good day.

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