
On Ant Farms

Youngest earned an ant farm at his tutoring yesterday. He was very excited about this as it's a prize he's had his eye on for quite some time.

I am...less excited?

However, as I eyed the farm, I thought to myself, "Self, this doesn't look like it has what we need for it be an actual farm instead of death trap."

And so I did a little looking about, and it turns out that said ant farm was supposed to come with nutrient gel. Said gel is meant to be used to fill the farm and then ants you add get to eat and tunnel and live happily while you watch the wonder of creation.

There is no gel. 

I considered suggesting he fill it with sand, but it still begged the issue of food.

In the end, I got on the Zon and ordered him an ant farm that will arrive Sunday that has not only gel, but also ants! This will, hopefully, reduce the carnage that has been occurring with live-caught ants of different species that, shockingly (not) tend to turn the ant farm into a cage match when trapped inside. Much to the chagrin and sorrow of the child.


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