
So Much Rain

I'm not used to having this much rain in May. 

I don't know if it's delusional amnesia and we always have this kind of deluge going on, but for whatever reason, this year feels disproportionately rainy for the time of year.

And rain, of course, seems to bring out the bugs.

I'm not loving the bugs.

Also, I need my boys running around outside, not sitting inside staring through the window at the rain and moping.

So basically, I'm whining about the rain. I'm sure if we didn't have rain, I'd whine about that, too. It's good to know yourself, I think?

Anyway, the one very good thing of the rain is the youngest's tomato plants are happily growing larger and larger. So maybe his efforts at gardening this summer will be a win. Dad is in charge of helping, lest the black thumb of Beth work its usual magic.

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