
A Little Random for Tuesday

The oven is in, and it is glorious. The Depot of Home dropped it off, but we had not paid for installation (because hubby said, "how hard can it be?"). So that evening, he and eldest, with a little supervision by me, got it installed with only minimal swearing when they had to pull it completely out of the hole and tweak the height of the supports before putting it back in. Apparently it's heavy? Who knew.

But it's quiet and a joy to use. (So quiet. Honestly it'll be on and I'll just stand by it and listen. The old one's fan was so ridiculously loud you could hear it on the other floors of the house. I'm guessing maybe that was a sign of age now, rather than just how it is.)

The addition to bring Dad to live with us hit a big milestone today. (Have I talked about this? I feel like I have.) The architect and the contractor were over this morning with the big roll of blueprints for final tweaks and analysis prior to starting the permit process. Looks like, if all goes well (hahaha), Dad could be in by Christmas?

I think we'll get him over here and settled and then take the early months of the new year getting rid of things and fixing up his house before getting it listed in spring. None of us see a point in rushing. We'd all much rather pitch all the trash now rather than haul it over here to deal with later.

(Because I'm still reasonably certain I'm going to find stuff from Nana in the basement, and she died in the 80s.)

Youngest has started PT to try and fix the ridiculous over pronating that has plagued him his entire life. So far, I think I can already see progress. Maybe I'm delusional, but if so I'm okay with it. I just want him to be able to run without falling over.

Speaking of youngest, he won't be joining hubs and eldest at Trail Life camp. I'm bummed - there goes my week - but it's for the best. He's close. But also he just doesn't listen well enough yet. Le sigh.

And now you're caught up.

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