
And then somehow it was mid-August

 Not sure how the last weeks got away from me, but there we have it.

Eldest and hubby went off to camp and came back after having much fun. Eldest got a trip to the emergency room at camp because he didn't dodge a tree fast enough while chasing the one who captured their flag. He's fine, but his team lost and he's bitter about that.

Youngest is doing well with PT and I can already see some improvement in his pronation, so that's good.

School starts up next week. I didn't plan to start the same day as public, but there we are. It just worked out. I'm ready. Not sure either of the boys are, but oh well.

Eldest is all dual enrollment this year (and next) so only has 2 classes each quarter. Hopefully they'll still be challenging enough that he sees that college isn't as easy as HS. Regardless, I'm excited to see him transitioning into this new educational era.

Things with the addition for my dad are gearing up. We got a survey done yesterday and received the official to scale plat today (why there wasn't one is a mystery for the ages, but whatever) which means permits and so forth can begin. Contracts and payments are all being handled. It's good times.

Have I mentioned that we're probably throwing a pool into the mix since we're spending all the money anyway? I'm very excited about that prospect for summers to come. Although friends with pools have cautioned me about snakes in the pool and...yeah. Let's just pray for not.

Anyway. You're all caught up. Onward!

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