
The Call of the Wild

One of the wonderful things about living on many mostly wooded acres has been the birds.

At the old house, hubby and I enjoyed hanging bird feeders on the deck and watching the usual suspects as they'd come and feed. So it was an easy enough decision to do the same here. And we get most of the same guys (and gals) out our way. Goldfinches, Titmice, Warblers, Sparrows of many varieties, Cardinals, Blue Birds, Blue Jays, Downy Woodpeckers, Red Bellied Woodpeckers, too.

Probably some others that I've forgotten, but those are -- oh, the Carolina Wren -- the frequent fliers.

But then! I was delighted to see a pair (possibly more, but I've seen two together) of Pileated Woodpeckers. They're so beautiful! And huge! I just adore when I see them out and about.

Better than at the old house though, is that here we can sit outside and listen to all the signing and calling that happens as the birds go about their day -- although it's best in the mornings and at dusk.

Since neither of us are innately versed in bird song, hubby downloaded the Merlin app, which will record the goings on around you and then parse out the various birds by their calls, with little snippets so you can listen and decide if you agree or disagree.

This has provided no end of fun, as I had no idea what the Carolina Wren sounded like when compared to a Cardinal (for example.)

One of the calls we hear frequently -- but never when we have the phone and app handy -- sounds like something you'd really be much more likely to hear in the jungle, if movie soundtracks are to be believed, at least.

Finally, the other night as we were sitting out just after dusk hoping to see bats and stars, hubby was able to capture the sound -- turns out, it's the pileated woodpecker. Honestly, it just made me love them even more.

If you'd like to hear (and see), this is a lovely capture.

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