
Testing, 1, 2, 3

The psychiatrist that both boys see has been suggesting (read: pushing pretty hard) that we have more thorough neuropsych evals for both so we get a fuller picture of what we may (or may not) be dealing with.

We'd already done this once for youngest - six years ago maybe? - and she thought now that he's matured some it was worth doing again. Eldest has never had one. 

Hubs and I hemmed and hawed for quite some time about it, because, essentially, cha-ching.

It's not that we're opposed to spending money when necessary. We're just kind of on the fence about the true "necessity" of the situation. (And I feel like I've said all of this before? But maybe not?) 

Anyway, last week, we finally bubbled to the top of the list for neuropsych at Hopkins (because they take insurance, it seemed worth waiting two years) for youngest. Except it didn't end up being full neuro because "he didn't meet their requirements" for that. So yeah. Probably a waste of time? But I won't know for at least another week.

But today, we kick off a private eval for eldest. Starting with a 2 hour (!) zoom with the parents. To say I am unexcited is a definite understatement. I guess it's good. But meh. Anyway, then Friday and Monday he's at their office for long stretches of time to do the testing. And on the positive side, they can do whatever testing they want because it's not regulated by insurance.

On the other side, we get to pay for it all.

At least with this one I have slightly more optimism that they'll tell us something worth knowing. Of course, I've been wrong before, so I guess we'll just have to see.

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