
This, That, and The Other

I wanted to blog yesterday. Truly, I did. But I just had nothing to say. Today, however, I have a few choice bits of total randomness to share with the world.

  • We're having lunch tomorrow with Jen and Beau and I get to snuggle Jesse - Jen promised. I'm very excited. Babies are always good to snuggle.
  • I have finished reading Michelle's book and am planning to post a little review. The thing is, I go back and forth cause Michelle's my friend and you all know that, so I wonder if you're going to take a glowing review from as anything other than me saying nice things cause she's my friend. But I would say nice things about this book even if I didn't know Michelle from a fence post, cause it's just that good. She really does a fantastic job of transporting you to medieval Ireland. My only teeny nitpick is that I can't figure out how to pronounce the hero's name. It's Bevan. Is that "BEH-van" or "BEE-van" or "bee-VAN"? Or something totally unrelated. (Since we can't forget that the Irish are responsible for names like Siobahn - pronounced "sh-VAHN" - and Niall - pronounced "Neil".) Hmm..maybe I don't need to do a review after all. I'll just finish with the comment that if you like romance novels you'll want to read this. Even if historicals aren't normally your cup of tea (they're not my most favoritist, generally), you'll enjoy this one.
  • I think I could win a world record for the fastest viewing time of a movie, ever. I watched Memoirs of a Geisha day before yesterday in about 8 minutes (on 600x speed on the DVR.) Gosh what a waste of a good 8 minutes. I don't know what posessed me to think it might be interesting.
  • I got my fingerprints ...fingerprinted? today. They used the coolio scanner dealie so no ink! And I found there was much less cursing on the part of the fingerprinter dude because my fingers tend to slide, which smears ink but which the scanner dealie seems to be ok with.
  • For all that I've been off for a full week now, I am shamefully behind in my homework. Someone, please pass me a cup of motivation. (And you may have to make the weather cold again, spring fever is running rampant in the Sleepy home.)
  • Alavert is your friend. Just sayin. I love the blooming trees and all...but...well, they don't seem to love me.
  • I think birds are building a nest in our dryer exhaust vent. I need Tim to stand on a ladder and look (our laundry is upstairs - which is the rockingest place for laundries to be, btw. Everyone should have the laundry upstairs, cause that's where the dressers are!) Anyway, I tried to stand on something and look but am, sadly, still too short.
  • The reason I think the above is that there are periodically scrabbling and chirping noises that sound like they're in the house. This is never a good sign.
  • And it makes me scared to run the dryer.
That concludes everything I can think of to ramble about. Happy Friday!


  1. It took me nearly 15 minutes to get through Memoirs. you must read lips faster than I do. ;-)

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    LOL on the name. It's BEV-an. It has Celtic origins and means "Young warrior" and son of Evan. Not that I actually have any character named Evan, but it sounded like a unique name. Just something different.

    I do hope you like the book!

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Oops, I misread that. I thought you said you were FINISHING reading, but you already have. Great! Hope it was a good read. :) Beach fiction--that's what I'm going for. :)

  4. You definitely get to snuggle Jesse. He's a good little snuggler, too. When he wants to be snuggled, of course. We'll see what his mood is tomorrow.

  5. Gwynne, it was zipping along so fast I didn't bother with lipreading. I just looked at scenery and kimonos. Not sure there was anything else worthwhile in there. :)

    Michelle, I enjoyed the book tremendously. I'll do a little review soon. And thanks for the pronounciation help (and cool name history.)

    Jen, I know the vagaries of the baby-temprament, hopefully he'll be amenable to snuggling tomorrow. If not, I'll survive with squeezing a toe or two.
