
Baby Steps

As of yesterday, we are officially under contract on the old house. I would be happier about it if the market hadn't shifted so much lately that we're well under what we should have been able to sell for if we'd had a decent realtor in the summer. 

But whatever.

I'll breathe easier when it's closed in 30 days.

Yesterday, I had the joy of ordering the HOA docs for the new owners and it was just one more big middle finger from the HOA people to us. $322. For a link to download the manual.

Three hundred twenty two dollars.

For a download link.

I'm so glad we're out of the world of HOAs and I have no intention of ever being part of them again.

I also had the "parent onboarding" zoom with the therapist for eldest. She seems competent and able to hopefully give some good coping mechanisms for the OCD. (Have I mentioned when all was said and done he got an OCD diagnosis? I don't know what I did and didn't put here.) We'll be working out meds as well, but everyone/everything I've read suggests a two-pronged approach is needed. So that's what we'll do as it's really reached a point of impacting his life negatively.

Of course, both she and the psychiatrist (who we also see for younger's meds) have to probe about our homeschooling decision and act as though that's solely responsible for his problems. And the social anxiety part (because he also got that diagnosis) would just be so much better if he was in public school. Oh wait. Regardless, with eldest, I just told him look, if she asks about it, be honest. He's like "I don't want to go to public school. All my friends who go hate it." I just smiled.

I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and give her a little shake though and just say, "Can we treat the problem and not look for other things to blame?" 


Here's hoping for a little bit of a breakthrough on this front as well.

In the meantime, I went to my doctor and got my meds increased. Because I joked to hubby that my meds weren't strong enough for my life currently and he just kind of looked at me, eyebrows raised. And I was like right. I can fix that.

So I did.

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