
Birthday Extravaganza, take 2

Youngest's birthday is Friday.

This afternoon, he spotted the Amazon box in my office that holds his presents and asked what it was. I said, something for later. He said, for my birthday? I said maybe. He said, well you might as well just give them to me now. It's close enough.

Ha. Not on your life, stinker.

It's always a bit of a struggle with him to figure out the party thing. He does not have a ton of friends (yay, ADHD and emotional regulation difficulties). We have two families with kids his age with whom he gets along. Except one of those families recently, and very tragically, now no longer has the child his age. 

So that's been tough to navigate.

But we have plans for go kart racing with the other family this weekend. It should be a good time for all. Hopefully.

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