
How (not) to Meet Your Neighbors

When we moved out into the country (I kid) (kinda) with land, we decided that we didn't think a fortune in fencing was in our future. But there was the question of the SleepyPup. Because I also didn't think revolving my life around taking him for walks was in my future either.

So. We looked around at options and settled on a Halo Collar. This is a GPS/satellite based fence. It's pretty cool. Works a lot like the buried electronic fences (which we have used previously) and all in all, we've been very happy with it. SleepPup learned it pretty easily and has enjoyed being able to romp around in his demesne and see all the sights and sniff all the sniffs.

So today, after lunch, he was sitting a la Snoopy by one of his observation posts, staring intently into the yard. I asked if he wanted to go outside. He responded in a firm affirmative by prancing to the door and then glaring at me over his shoulder because it took me more than a millisecond to arrive and open said door. 

I went about the business of cleaning up lunch, catching glimpses of him out the window as he frolicked hither and yon.

About this time, hubby says to me, "I'll go put his dog door in so he doesn't have to be buttled."

And I replied, "He prefers buttling, but go nuts."

Hubby disappears to the basement and I, having finished the lunch dishes, am heading to the couch to read for a few minutes before I'm needed again by someone, when I hear deep, loud barking.

This is a sound that could never come from my 19 pound miniature schnauzer. I reverse direction and head to the porch door as I see SleepPup running up the stairs, chased by a German Shepherd. A German Shepherd who is barking and lunging for bites.

SleepyPup wheels, snarls, then turns and runs. I manage to get the door open a bit and try to get my dog in and keep the other dog out, while also throwing myself bodily between snarling, lunging shepherd and my baby's precious hind legs. Of course, I get knocked a bit, opening the door farther, and allowing the interloper a few steps into the house. I manage to stomp the trailing leash while SleepyPup makes his escape, and then I drag the very annoyed shepherd out of my house onto the deck that a strange man is barreling up, panting, and yelling for the now somewhat chastised looking shepherd.

The man's name is Mike. He seems nice. The dog is a brand new rescue that needs training. He was very apologetic (Mike, not the dog. The dog seemed annoyed to have been deprived of a schnauzer snack.)

SleepyPup seems none the worse for wear, but he and I snuggled on the couch until we both stopped quaking. 

And now there's a part of me that thinks a gazillion dollar fence around the whole property isn't such a bad idea after all.

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