
There Are Probably Things to Say

I have started and stopped and started and stopped a post many times since last I rambled here. I have thoughts. They might even be interesting. I just can't seem to drum up the umph to put them into words. (And, shockingly, they aren't even the sort that would get my betters on my case or send me into the first against the wall camp. Of course, I'm probably already in that camp, but whatever.)

Although, I guess I will say this: I would like a candidate younger than retirement age. Honestly at this point, that might just be enough to get my vote. Are you under 65? Sweet. Where do I sign?

I could recap, but really, why?

Sufficient to say, I'm not dead yet. Nor am I pining for the fjords. (Well, maybe I pine a little. Fjords are awfully nice. Slartiblartifast won an award, after all.)

Life keeps trucking along, without really taking into account your preferences on the matter.

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